Friday Favorites #11: Week of 5/29

Good morning friends! How is everyone doing today? Anyone excited that it is Friday? There’s just something about waking up on Friday that puts me in the best mood!

Today I’m going to share a few of my favorites from the past couple of weeks! I’m linking up with Heather if you want to look at even more favorites! I love these kinds of posts because it opens me up to new things I haven’t seen before.

  • graduation

Wednesday afternoon I walked across the stage and received my diploma! It still hasn’t hit me that I’m a university graduate and that I’m all finished school. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology if anyone was wondering.IMG_2074

The day started bright and early when I couldn’t sleep anymore at 6:40. I decided to go for a run to help with my jitters (it didn’t help btw).IMG_2028

Afterwards, I made protein french toast and started to get ready.IMG_2032

I wish I had of taken a selfie because my hair and makeup was on point when I left the house! Before graduation, my faculty held a luncheon for the graduates and their guests which was awesome because it meant I could eat a ton of food before the ceremony. Following the ceremony, my family and I went to my favorite bar and grill for burgers. I had the Hawaiian burger which comes with sweet and sour sauce, swiss cheese, and a pineapple slice. Following supper, I was able to go see t he girls that I babysat all year before heading home and going to bed. I wish I had of taken more photos from this day since it is a once in a lifetime thing, but I was completely caught up in the moment and was always on the go.

  • gym

I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I love having a set routine in the gym! I used to just go in and do what I felt like, but having a plan when I get there makes things go more smoothly. There are times when I change an exercise or two because a certain machine or bench is taken and I don’t feel like waiting, but for the most part, it’s pretty similar to what is written down. I’ve noticed to see some muscle growth in my shoulders and quads so I’m pretty happy about that. I wish I had of taken some before photos so I could compare myself at certain points, but I forgot. I might taken some tomorrow and then I can compare later on.

  • waffle maker

As a graduation present to myself, I finally bought myself a waffle maker! I bought it last night and have used it only once, but I am so happy with it!IMG_2081

I’m going to make one after I’m done with this post for breakfast. I always love waffles and am definitely a waffles over pancakes kind of girl! IMG_2082

  • microwave protein brownie

Up until a couple of days ago, I was making one of these almost everyday. They’re so quick and can satisfy my nightly sweets craving. They’re also super easy to make! I combine 1 scoop of chocolate protein, 1 TBSP of cocoa powder, 1/2 tsp of baking powder, and 1/4 cup of almond milk. After mixing, I put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and it’s done! When it comes out, the center is still soft and gooey, but the edges are a little firm. It’s awesome!

  • Grumpy Weather app

Have any of you guys seen this app? I just recently downloaded it and it’s pretty hilarious! It’s a weather app, but tells you the weather in a grumpy way (hence the name of the app.) Currently where I am, it’s 11 degrees (Celsius!) and cloudy. The app tells me “it’s grey outside… wonderful.”

Have a great Friday and a even greater weekend! Let me know what you’re up to this weekend!


Good Morning! How was your weekend?

I thought I was going to be able to stay on track to post at least three times a week, but then last week happened. I had three shifts last week and they took a lot out of me. I wasn’t expecting to be as tired as I was. Anyways, I don’t like making excuses so I thought I would just give a little recap of last week and what’s happening this week!

So as I mentioned, I had some shifts last week. It was preseason work so labor work basically. I was kept busy waxing slides and cleaning. It felt so good being back, but the work was hard! Thursday night I was asleep by 9:30 and Friday I was asleep around 10. Besides working, I didn’t really do much else except for going to the gym. I can’t seem to remember anything else I did, I have a terrible memory.

Saturday I was up early to head to Popeye’s for their Customer Appreciation Sale. I picked up a new to me flavor of Quest Bars (Cinnamon Roll) and C4 (Watermelon). I also picked up some Chocolate PB2 since I have been dying to try it! Since I was one of the first 50 customers and I spent over $50, I received a swag bag! There’s a lot of cool stuff in it that I haven’t had the chance to try yet, but am super excited too! One thing that I have is Revolution Nutrition’s BCAA Splash in Peach Mango and it is super good! BCAAs help with muscle recovery. I also went and bought new glasses! They won’t be ready until later this week, but I’m excited for a new pair since I’ve had my current pair for years.

Sunday night I hung out with a few friends and played Cards Against Humanity. I always love playing and end up dying of laughter! We played with the Rando Cardrissian rule to make it even funnier. For this rule, a random card is added into play. Most of the time, the cards actually made sense and actually ended up winning sometimes. The imaginary player actually came 3rd or 4th of 7!

Yesterday I was up early (like 4:50) to drive to my mom’s so I could help her clean some houses. By doing this, she can come to my graduation TOMORROW! Can we just slow down time a little bit? I don’t feel ready to graduate at all! I am really excited to head back to my university’s town and see some of my friends. I’ll also get to hang out with my Dons and their girls for a little bit afterwards too! Last night, we had a little going away party for one of my friends that is heading to Spain in a week! She’s going to be an Au Pair there this summer. We played some Catchphrase and chatted! It was a great evening spent with some of my best friends.

That’s all for my recap. I’ll be back Thursday or Friday (I promise) to fill you in on my graduation! Have a great day!!

Friday Favorites #10: Week of 5/15

Good Morning! Anyone else excited that it’s Friday?

Today I’ll be sharing a few of my favourites from the week! I’ll be linking up with Heather so if you want to see what others are loving, you should head over there!

  • experimenting with food

This week, I’ve been trying to make a lot of different things in the kitchen. For my breakfast yesterday, I made Peanut Butter Marshmallow Pancakes with Chocolate Protein Frosting and they were delicious! I used Flapjacked Pancake Mix as a base and then added a scoop of Peanut Butter Marshmallow Whey from Cellucor. For the frosting, I took half a scoop of chocolate protein powder and mixed it with just enough water to make it into frosting consistency. IMG_1986I’ve also been adding zucchini in my egg whites and it makes it so good! It also adds a lot of volume without taking up a lot of macros. 11271942_10156191652745377_560874773_nI tried making protein brownie, but I still need to experiment with that. I left it in for too long so it ended up being really dry.

  • birthday fun

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday and I am so appreciative for all the nice messages I received as well as the people I was able to spend the day with. I was able to Skype with the boyfriend for a couple of hours which was awesome! I also had a pretty solid workout with my sister before heading to dinner with a few of my friends. They surprised me and paid for my dinner! Afterwards, I headed to the ice cream shop that my friend works at so I could get my birthday ice cream. All in all, it was a great birthday spent with even greater people. I meant to get a picture outside, but forgot until I was about to change for bed so the quality isn’t that great. The shirt has these cool cutouts on it that I love!FullSizeRender IMG_1991

  • getting back in the gym

I finally got a gym membership last weekend so I have been loving getting back in the gym! I’ve been feeling sore most of the week which is something that I love.

  • Duolingo

I’ve been starting to learn German through the app Duolingo and it has been going pretty well. I’ll be doing this everyday until I head to Germany in September. I know once I’m there it will be easier to pick up because I’ll be exposed to it everyday. I’m excited to see how much I’ll know by the time I leave.

That’s all from me today, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

WIAW #24

Good Evening! How was everyone’s Wednesday?

I’m posting twice in one day (get outta here!) I wanted to get this post up today so I could still join in on the fun and linkup with Jenn. Today was a really good day food and workout wise.

What I Ate Wednesday 

Breaky: I had two parts to my breakfast this morning and they were both delicious! I forgot to take a picture of part one, but I have a picture from yesterday. Part one was egg whites with zucchini (just ignore the toast in the picture) and part two was blueberry pancakes1breakyLunch: I had half of a ham sandwich and a piece of toast with caramel Greek yogurt cream cheese (Guys if you see this at your grocery store, you have to try it! It is delicious!)11225961_10156191652280377_1653462070_nSnack: Fibre 1 chocolate brownie (these are also really good and satisfy my sweet tooth), a handful of my favourite tortilla chips and my pre-workout1snackSnack: after my workout I had a scoop of Cellucor’s Peanut Butter Marshmallow protein with almond milk/water11263675_10156191651610377_1504455010_nSupper: a big ol’ salad with lettuce, zucchini, broccoli slaw and chicken (I definitely ate it from that bowl too – it’s so much easier to make a salad in a big bowl!)11267306_10156191649980377_566495927_nI still have quite a few macros to play with, but am not really hungry. I might make something a little later, but that’s all I got for right now.

Hope everyone has a great day! I can’t believe I’ll be 22 in less than 4 hours!

Blog Birthday + My Birthday

Good Morning! I had full intentions of doing a WIAW, but completely failed in the photo department yesterday. My plan is to document my meals today and pop in tonight or tomorrow morning with a recap of what I ate today.

When I went onto my WordPress account yesterday, I had a notification saying Happy Anniversary! I had completely forgotten that yesterday was my 2nd Blog Birthday! In all honestly, it’s hard for me to accept that since I always fail at blogging during the school year. The neat thing about my blog birthday is that it is two days before my birthday! That’s right, my 22nd birthday is tomorrow! That is also mind blowing to me. When did I get so old? I have some fun plans for tomorrow that I’m sure you’ll hear about.

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks to those that come back and read my posts. It really means a lot and I love talking to the people that leave comments!

Have a good day! Hope you’re looking forward to seeing my eats later!

Weekend Recap #2

Hi Everyone! How was your weekend? Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there! I had a pretty relaxing, but also fun weekend that I wanted to share this morning.

On Friday, I may or may not have stayed in all day. After being inside all day Friday, I woke up early on Saturday to go to the farmer’s market and grocery shopping. I had been craving burgers for awhile so I knew I wanted to get something to make those, but otherwise I just needed to restock on produce.

In the afternoon, my sister picked me up and we went to get our gym memberships (finally!) That night for supper, I made a turkey burger and wrapped it in lettuce. It was so good!! That evening was pretty relaxing as I watched the Food Network for the majority of the night. I noticed Agent Cody Banks was on so I watched that too! Little bit of a throwback to my childhood with that.

Sunday morning I was up early to head to the gym with my sister. I’m her personal trainer for the summer so we kicked it off with a leg day (quad focus). It was the first time I had been to the gym in probably three weeks and I loved it! I’m feeling it today and am having a hard time sitting down/getting up, but I couldn’t be happier. We’re heading there tonight for an arms and shoulder workout.

After our workout, I spent the morning and afternoon just lazing around before heading out to my grandmother’s house for a Mother’s Day supper. There was so much food! I had some chicken with homemade tzatziki sauce that my sister and I made. I also had some lasagna and sweet and sour meatballs. There was also homemade rolls which were delicious! Following supper, there was pecan cheesecake and brownies! Since my birthday is on Thursday and my mom can’t make it back to town, I was given my birthday present there too. She gave me a silverware set! Whenever I move out of my dad’s, I’m only going to need to buy dishes and glasses for the kitchen since she has pretty much set me up over the past couple of years. It was a great day to let her know how much she means to me!

That was my weekend in a nutshell! I’d love to hear what you did!

Friday Favorites #9: Week of 5/8

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe it is already Friday! Has this week flown by for anyone else?

I wanted to share some of my favorites that I’ve been loving today. I’ll be linking up with Heather this week so if you’re interested in seeing other people’s favorites be sure to head over there!

  • food scale


I bought my food scale not even a week ago and I absolutely love it! As mentioned in an earlier post, I follow IIFYM so a scale is pretty important if I want to be accurate. It measures food in grams, milliliters, fluid ounces and ounces. It was less than $30 with a 20% coupon I had for Bed Bath and Beyond.

  • Flapjacked Protein Pancake Mix

IMG_1952I’ve been wanting to try this pancake mix for over a year and I’m so glad I finally did. These are my pancakes from yesterday that I topped with applesauce and cinnamon. If you have the chance to try them, I highly recommend it!

  • new workout clothes

IMG_1939IMG_1949 I bought both of these at Winners and I love both! The back of the sports bra is so cool and the shorts are very similar to Lululemon. I’ve worn both of them for a run. I’m looking forward to wearing them for a lifting workout once I get a gym membership.

  • banana ice cream

IMG_1953I made some of this last night. I had forgotten how easy and tasty it was. I made mine with about 100g of frozen banana, caramel sauce, peanut butter, and dark chocolate. I also topped it with half of an ice cream sandwich. It definitely hit the spot!

That’s all for today! Let me know what you have been loving lately. I hope everyone has a great day and an even better weekend! I’ll be back on Monday to share a Weekend Recap!

WIAW #23

Hello Everyone! I can’t believe it is already Wednesday! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

Things here have been pretty chill. We have had some awesome weather the past couple of days so I’ve been out running and enjoying the sunshine. Today, I’ll be sharing what I ate yesterday! These are always my favourite posts to read because I can get ideas for what to make. I’m linking up with Laura so feel free to head over there if you would like to see other people’s food for a day!

What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday

Breaky: one egg + 1/2 cup of egg whites and blueberries11225550_10156164011960377_1079765512_nLunch: ham sandwich on brown bread11225607_10156164011735377_907649832_n

Snack: Oreo’s and apple juice (the best part about donating blood is the little treat you get afterwards, am I right?) I also had a granny smith apple with peanut butter/caramel sauce a little while later

11195345_10156164011605377_305625219_n11216015_10156164011255377_1473360776_nSupper: romaine lettuce, broccoli slaw and baked chicken 11216257_10156164011045377_1422163030_nSnack: ice cream sandwich 11198813_10156164010775377_460598157_nWell, that’s all the food I ate yesterday. I’d love to hear if you had anything good!

I’ll be back on Friday! I can’t wait to share some of my recent favourites, I have a couple exciting ones!

Weekend Recap

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to start a new week! I’m one that looks forward to Mondays. It’s a day to start fresh if you went a little crazy on the weekend and start the week out on the right foot. I wanted to share what I got up to this weekend, nothing crazy except for maybe the eating. I forgot to take pictures so it’s a little wordy without things being broken up by a photo.

As I mentioned in my last post, I was at my mom’s for the night on Friday. Her boyfriend had to replace the water pump in my car. When he got started, he noticed it wasn’t actually the water pump, but my radiator! The part where the hose attaches had completely rusted off which led to coolant leaking. This meant he had to wait until the morning to go get the part he actually needed.

Since my trip was extended a few hours, I decided to go into town with my mom to Shoppers Drug Mart for their annual Spring Gala. I had a hand massage, had my skin looked at and had a makeup application done. During the skin analysis, I learned that most people’s faces have dehydrated skin. The woman put this wand on my face and I learned that the percentage of moisture was 38.5%. You want the number to be as close to 40% as possible so it was nice to know my face wasn’t that dehydrated. I want to start taking care of my skin better, so this was fun to learn about.

When we got back from the Gala, my car was fixed so I packed up and headed home. Saturday night, my sister and her girlfriend headed to a few stores. I finally have a food scale! I’m so excited to start tracking my macros more accurately! It was an early birthday present from my mom and I could not be more excited!!

As for Sunday, I bought some groceries and pigged out a lot. I haven’t been eating the greatest and plan to start eating better today so I didn’t really care what I was eating. I have definitely been seeing a difference in my energy levels and general feeling so I am excited to start fueling myself with more nutritious options.

This weekend, the weather was beautiful! It is finally more spring-like. It has been sunny since Friday and the temperature has been in the low teens. Today, it is suppose to reach 20 degrees! I’m planning to do a little home workout and to go for a run later on! This weather makes me so excited for summer!!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!

That’s Life

Hey guys, long time no chat! I thought today I would fill you in what I’ve been up to the past week and a bit.

Last Tuesday night, Matthias and I went out to a German restaurant. I learned that sauerkraut does not agree with me or my acid reflux. I spent all Tuesday night and Wednesday morning being sick to my stomach (TMI?). To go with this, the stomach flu was going around residence and I caught that too! This really sucked as it was my last couple of days at school and I had to spend it in bed. I missed out on a House Team supper and one last night out. It also made moving home on Thursday awful. Matthias also caught it so we were both hurting pretty bad.

Thursday we made it home and proceeded to lay in bed the rest of the night which was nice. Friday afternoon I had a dentist appointment and I started to unpack. I overdid it though and was in bed that night and most of Saturday again. My sister was awesome and brought us some chicken and popcicles. Matthias and I both needed protein since we had only been eating carbs for what felt like forever.

Sunday we were feeling better and headed to my mom’s for my sister’s birthday dinner. I had a little steak, salmon, and veggies. I was not feeling the best afterwards, but waking up Monday I felt the best I had in a week. Matthias and I went out for lunch at my favourite Cafe over town and we bought some groceries afterwards.

The weather was pretty awful the past week so we did not really do much. I made tacos Monday night, pasta on Tuesday, honey garlic chicken on Wednesday, and last night we went to an Italian restaurant. Yesterday was Matthias’ last full day in Canada so we wanted to have a little date night. The food was okay, but the dessert stole the show! The restaurant does homemade cheesecake and cakes. We went for the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cake and it was soooo good! It had layers of chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, and cookie dough cheesecake. It was so rich that we couldn’t finish it so I still have some for tomorrow.


I would finish it today, but I’ll be at my mom’s for the night and it’s back at my dad’s. Last night we also finished watching Full House. We started it from the beginning during the fall semester. I always get attached to characters so I cried when it was over. Is anyone looking forward to Fuller House? I know I am! I can’t wait for it to come to Netflix!!

Early this morning, Matthias and I headed back to where our university is so I could take him to the airport. I had not been looking forward to this day because I hate goodbyes. I knew it was going to be hard since I won’t be able to see him until I go to Germany in September. I’ve actually done well so far today. I haven’t completely broken down yet. We’re both counting down the days until we’re back together. The summer is going to suck, but I’m taking it one day at a time.

That brings me to now. After I dropped him off, I came to mom’s where I’ll be for the night. I’ll be making supper soon and following that, my mom’s boyfriend will be fixing my car. I’m hoping to distract myself until I go to bed since I can’t text Matthias until tomorrow morning. I’m hoping to plan out my sister’s workout program and watch a couple of episodes of Nashville.

Have a good weekend!